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Friday, July 9, 2010

#6. PCU

PCU is one my favorite college movies of all time, you cant beat Jeremy Piven and David Spade together.

I used to have the entire film memorized, but those lines have been replaced with more important info, like social security numbers and internet passwords, you know the good stuff. Thought I no longer remember ALL the lines I DO remember the scenes. I recalled one in particular the other night...

The other day I returned home to find my computer unplugged and not running because it exhausted the battery. Instead of the ac cord of my laptop occupuying the socket another plug was in its place, a plug to an extension cord. An "empty" extension cord, apparently plugged in by my roommate and never used. Normally this wouldnt be an issue, but not this time. This time I had left several documents open and unsaved, documents that were due the next day, documents that were all erased. As you can imagine, I was not happy and set forth to find my idiot roomie, thank god I couldn't or I would soliciting bail money from you right now...

This totally reminded me of the scene in PCU when Tom, the potential freshman or pre-fresh, accidentally trips over the massive cord connecting the computers of deadlined senior completing their thesis, deleting them all and sparking a man hunt. Only in my version I wasnt saved by a basement vault housing past papers, I had to do redo all my work. NOT COOL.

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