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Thursday, July 29, 2010

#10. The Money Pit

I love Tom Hanks. Love everything about him. Love everything he has ever acted in, directed, produced or had anything to do with. But if I had to pick a favorite it might be (might, there are too many to pick from!) The Money Pit. I just recently reaquired it (my copy was stolen when my house was burgalarized in August) and have probably watched it atleast three times the past week, my parents on the otherhand have been living it.

My parents are on their fourth home in six years. This newest home is the Money Pit. Its beautiful, from the outside... Now I was only inside briefly, because when I was home the people living there had not yet moved out, and from what I saw it look good, if a little dated.

But I guess my observations were wrong, because from what I hear, now that renovations have begun things are going kinda like this...

I just hope this is the last move.

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