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Tuesday, June 29, 2010

#4. I feel like I'm taking crazy pills!

Another Will Farrell moment.

At the end of Zoolander when the evil Mugatu, inventor of the piano key necktie, has a nervous breakdown while trying to explain his master plan to a crowd of non comprehending models and actors exclaims "I feel like I'm taking crazy pills!" well, we all feel that way sometimes...

Most recently, I exclaimed this to a customer service rep from my health insurance company. I have never been sooooo frustrated in all my life as I was by this particular woman, actually I was frustrated and angry. She not only had no idea what she, or I, was talking about but she was also condescending and rude to top it all off. Have you ever had to explain and re-explain and then re-re-explain the simplest concept to a total moron? All I was trying to do was request a reimbursement form mailed to me - the conversation to do so lasted AN HOUR!! After being transfered to two other rep's then back to the original, helpful and pleasant woman, the issue was finally resolved, simply by adding an address to my file. An hour wasted because someone could not take the time to stop and listen or to think.

I feel like recently people have been making the simplest things more difficult and stressful than they need to be. Not every solution to a problem has to be complicated. And more and more often these days I find myself feeling under the influence of crazy pills...Mr. Mugatu - you are not alone.

Oh and FYI, I got a call back from the same helpful service rep, yesterday because the forms she sent were returned to her by the post office. Apparently after our conversation she assumed I was wrong about the city on the mailing address, and so she changed it. I'll let you know if I ever get them...

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