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Thursday, June 24, 2010


Hello ALL!!!

The title of my blog (obviously) is La Vie Cinematiques, which translated from German, means "The Cinematic life." La Vie Cinematiques is my personal motto and belief, that you have already learned every lesson in life that you need to know FROM THE MOVIES! Being attacked by aliens? Watch Mars Attacks. Need tips for your new job as a day trader? Check out Wall Street. Trying to survive a plane crash in the Andies? See Alive. Every situation you will ever be in you have probably already vicariously lived, through the likes of Paul Newman, Brad Pitt and Kate Winslet, you either just don't remember or have yet to see it!

The odds are, that EVERYTHING you have ever or will ever experience has already been portrayed in a film somewhere. Don't get me wrong, you wont find one film or one character that encompasses all you are and do, I am simply saying that you will absolutely find a cinematic representation or point of reference for everything you see and do. So do yourselves a favor and start paying attention, the movies just might save your life one day...or at the very least some of your sanity!

Having said that, a little more about this blog...Each entry of this blog will be a personal anecdote relating incidents and experiences from my life to silver screen versions of such incidents. Please feel free to comment or share your stories, I'd love to know I'm not the only one living La Vie Cinematiques.

Creative Commons License
La Vie Cinematiques by La Vie Cinematiques is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License.
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