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Thursday, June 24, 2010

#1. Dude, Where's My Car?

Now, I have to admit, this is not a one time incident, but an ongoing situation...

I moved to San Francisco this past January...with my car. I CANNOT live without my car - yes, I am one of those people. I believe in saving the environment and fully support carpooling, as long as its my car and I am driving. ANYWAYS, since my move I have, no joke, fully funded the SFMTA's (San Francisco Municipal Transportation Agency) office for the next decade with my parking tickets, due to the fact I can never remember where my car is!! It sucks when you wake up (sober or not) and have no idea where you parked, and of course you look super smart when you ask your neighbors if THEY have seen your car. OH, some of the looks I've gotten in response to that question are priceless!!

This "situation" is not my fault (I maintain) due to the parking restrictions, construction, and street cleaning hours effective in my neighborhood, I am constantly either moving my car or trying to remember where the hell I parked it (because I have already moved it 10X's), so I can move it AGAIN, to avoid further tickets. I'm sorry, but if you have to PAY for a parking permit for you residential are, I think you should be able to PARK YOUR CAR AND NOT HAVE TO MOVE IT ALL THE TIME.

Perhaps I am crazy, but just once I'd like to wake up in the morning and not have to ask myself, "Dude, Where's My Car?" I say this to you on my way out the door... to move the car.

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