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Tuesday, June 29, 2010

#4. I feel like I'm taking crazy pills!

Another Will Farrell moment.

At the end of Zoolander when the evil Mugatu, inventor of the piano key necktie, has a nervous breakdown while trying to explain his master plan to a crowd of non comprehending models and actors exclaims "I feel like I'm taking crazy pills!" well, we all feel that way sometimes...

Most recently, I exclaimed this to a customer service rep from my health insurance company. I have never been sooooo frustrated in all my life as I was by this particular woman, actually I was frustrated and angry. She not only had no idea what she, or I, was talking about but she was also condescending and rude to top it all off. Have you ever had to explain and re-explain and then re-re-explain the simplest concept to a total moron? All I was trying to do was request a reimbursement form mailed to me - the conversation to do so lasted AN HOUR!! After being transfered to two other rep's then back to the original, helpful and pleasant woman, the issue was finally resolved, simply by adding an address to my file. An hour wasted because someone could not take the time to stop and listen or to think.

I feel like recently people have been making the simplest things more difficult and stressful than they need to be. Not every solution to a problem has to be complicated. And more and more often these days I find myself feeling under the influence of crazy pills...Mr. Mugatu - you are not alone.

Oh and FYI, I got a call back from the same helpful service rep, yesterday because the forms she sent were returned to her by the post office. Apparently after our conversation she assumed I was wrong about the city on the mailing address, and so she changed it. I'll let you know if I ever get them...

#3. Okay, I'll be honest with you. I did fart.

Ok, so this happened to my friend, not me, but I had to post it, too good to pass up.

This past month my friend was notified she would have six weeks to find a new place of employment due to cut backs. She is very experienced in her field and received much interest after sending out her resume. One "place" of employment that called her for an interview was an institution she found quite interesting and was on the top of her list choicewise. So she coordinated a time for her interview and then proceeded to psych herself out for the next week, until the day of the interview.

On the day of, she woke up, got dressed and drank coffee (which she does not drink), began to walk to her interview and stopped for more coffee (not good). So she finally arrives more caffinated than usual and takes a seat in the waiting area, where she is surrounded by much older women in power suits, she is dressed in a cute little dress and sweater. She texts me at this point to wish her luck, which I do, to no avail.

Now from what I gathered from the conversation that followed the interview was this: that after some intense questioning, she became flustered (due to the caffiene) and laughed in response to a inquiry that stumped her, the interviewers then fell silent and began to read her resume in said silence. As the moment of silence proceeded, my friend, broke wind, much to the suprise of the interviewers and herself. She then sat for another moment of silence, while being stated at by the wide eyed interviewers, them mumbled "Thanks." and ran for it.

Now when she told me this story I instantly exclaimed "Step Brothers!" She knew exactly what I meant and she cracked up, an improvement from the tears. If you have never seen Step Brothers do yourself a favor and watch it. There is a hilarious depiction of this situation only it stars Will Farrell, John C. Reilly and Seth Rogan. Just another example of your life in context.

Thursday, June 24, 2010

#1. Dude, Where's My Car?

Now, I have to admit, this is not a one time incident, but an ongoing situation...

I moved to San Francisco this past January...with my car. I CANNOT live without my car - yes, I am one of those people. I believe in saving the environment and fully support carpooling, as long as its my car and I am driving. ANYWAYS, since my move I have, no joke, fully funded the SFMTA's (San Francisco Municipal Transportation Agency) office for the next decade with my parking tickets, due to the fact I can never remember where my car is!! It sucks when you wake up (sober or not) and have no idea where you parked, and of course you look super smart when you ask your neighbors if THEY have seen your car. OH, some of the looks I've gotten in response to that question are priceless!!

This "situation" is not my fault (I maintain) due to the parking restrictions, construction, and street cleaning hours effective in my neighborhood, I am constantly either moving my car or trying to remember where the hell I parked it (because I have already moved it 10X's), so I can move it AGAIN, to avoid further tickets. I'm sorry, but if you have to PAY for a parking permit for you residential are, I think you should be able to PARK YOUR CAR AND NOT HAVE TO MOVE IT ALL THE TIME.

Perhaps I am crazy, but just once I'd like to wake up in the morning and not have to ask myself, "Dude, Where's My Car?" I say this to you on my way out the door... to move the car.


Hello ALL!!!

The title of my blog (obviously) is La Vie Cinematiques, which translated from German, means "The Cinematic life." La Vie Cinematiques is my personal motto and belief, that you have already learned every lesson in life that you need to know FROM THE MOVIES! Being attacked by aliens? Watch Mars Attacks. Need tips for your new job as a day trader? Check out Wall Street. Trying to survive a plane crash in the Andies? See Alive. Every situation you will ever be in you have probably already vicariously lived, through the likes of Paul Newman, Brad Pitt and Kate Winslet, you either just don't remember or have yet to see it!

The odds are, that EVERYTHING you have ever or will ever experience has already been portrayed in a film somewhere. Don't get me wrong, you wont find one film or one character that encompasses all you are and do, I am simply saying that you will absolutely find a cinematic representation or point of reference for everything you see and do. So do yourselves a favor and start paying attention, the movies just might save your life one day...or at the very least some of your sanity!

Having said that, a little more about this blog...Each entry of this blog will be a personal anecdote relating incidents and experiences from my life to silver screen versions of such incidents. Please feel free to comment or share your stories, I'd love to know I'm not the only one living La Vie Cinematiques.

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La Vie Cinematiques by La Vie Cinematiques is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License.
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